WEDNESDAY 06 March 2024 Rehearsal Times

Schools are welcome to arrive at the Pentland Theatre anytime during the rehearsal period to watch the other schools perform, but  at least 15 minutes before your allocated rehearsal time.

Rehearsal Schedule

Wednesday 6 March 2024


12.00  Woodcroft

12.20  Livingstone Primary School

12.40  Moss Hall Junior School

13.00. Brunswick Park Primary School

13.20. Church Hill School

13.40. Sacred Heart Primary School (RC)

14.00. Whitings Hill Primary School

14.20. St Vincent's Primary School (RC)

14.40. Barnfield Primary School

15.00  Rosh Pinah Primary School

15.20. Non Stop Action Street Crew

15.40. St Andrew the Apostle Secondary (Greek Orthx)

16.00. St Andrew the Apostle Secondary (Greek Orthx)

16.20  St Michael's Catholic Grammar School

16.40  St Michael's Catholic Grammar School

16.40  Wren Academy Secondary

17.00. Finale Rehearsal


18.00 -19.00 Return to dressing room for tea and performance preparation.
Performance. 19.00

Finish              20.45


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