Finale: Lights Camera Action

At the end of each performance the whole cast returns to the stage to perform a finale dance .
Please can you learn the phrases that are appropriate to your group. If you have a mixed group, only those members in Y6 and Y5 need to learn the Y6 and Y5 phrases. Y3 only groups can choose to do the primary phrase or just come on at the end with the Infants.
When learning from the video
please use mirror image .
Costume : Anything black or white
Please can you learn this before your performance day and practice as part of your rehearsal schedule.

Above is The Finale Music, You can download the music by clicking on the 3 dots on the right of the music                                                                                                                                                                                                             

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0-36      Secondary Duet
36 -1.50   All Secondary Schools 

There are 3 videos to assist you.
Large group so you can see how it works together, a small group and a solo which is clearer for learning and accuracy.
The entrance is 6 walks , pose for 2
This is repeated 4 times until the whole stage is filled and all dancers are in a space .
All poses are individual choice keeping to the vogue style and using different levels.
Secondary dancers exit stage walking 1,2,3 flick of the hand until in the wings.
Secondary re enter at the back of the auditorium to perform the rest of the dance in the aisles with the primary schools .
They need to learn the primary phrase but starting with everything on the left ! Sorry

Video 1 Large Group Secondary

Video 2 Small Group Secondary

Video 3 Solo Secondary Teaching Video


All primary schools enter skipping,waving right arm in the air . Schools will enter at 16 count intervals beginning at the back of the stage using Lights Camera Action as the cue . When all dancers are on stage all but Y6 go to the floor in cannon, Y3,Y4,Y5.

Video 4 Primary Phrase.

This is a teaching video to learn the primary phrase performed by Y3,Y4,Y5,Y6

Whole Y3 groups can choose to learn this phrase or opt to enter at the front with the infants towards the end of the dance.

Video 5 shows primary entrance,Y6, Y5 and primary and infant phrases together.
The infant phrase is when the little dancer comes on at 4.25.

Video 6 shows Y6 only phrase

Video 7 shows Y5 only phrase

Video 8 shows Y6 and Y5 phrases together

Video 9
Lights, Camera, Action
The Whole Cast Dance

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